The Master Gardeners - June 2nd, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

On Sunday, June 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at THE GREEN TENT we welcome the Master Gardeners of LA County, who will be handing out FREE seedlings, FREE seeds and FREE gardening advice.

This month they’re bringing:

A selection of Succulents for your low-water garden

Zucchini squash that produces prolifically, and goes on or in everything from pizza to lasagna, to side dishes, to grills, roasts and sautées…even bread/cake!

Mint  — Keep it in a container or it’ll take over your garden!

Basil  —  delicious in anything with tomatoes including pizza and tomato sauce — or create an easy appetizer for your summer party:  Caprese on skewers!

Pole beans — the kind of green beans you need to support on a trellis or something similar

A selection of flowers including: 



Calendula —  edible flower, often called "poor man's saffron"

Microgreens — cut 'em back and watch 'em grow more!

Eggplant — perfect for grilling at your summertime barbecue

Don’t forget to bring your “six packs” to be recycled for next month’s seedling giveaway.  And here are some garden tips for the month of June in LA County!