Thank You for Being a Green Tent Guest Presenter!


You are the star!  This is your moment to shine a light on what our precious Earth needs from us right now.  Reach out to Jeanne Kuntz for help preparing your presentation. Please note, people come to our farmers market for many reasons - to shop, have a family activity, eat delicious food and hang out with friends.  Respect their boundaries by remaining inside the Green Tent space and drawing people toward you with interesting and fun activities and visual aids such a photos and games. Keep hand-outs and give-aways to a minimum. We teach zero waste by modeling plastic-free and minimalist outreach.

What We Provide: You will be allotted a 5x10 foot tent, a table and one or two chairs. You may need to go and fetch your own chairs. If you want to borrow a white board for display purposes or a tablecloth, please make arrangements with me in advance. I am sending you the link to our Green Tent blog so you can learn more about how previous guests have pitched their cause. Please send me some photos and a brief description of what you plan to do at the Green Tent so I can let the public know about you.

Set-up is between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m: The Market officially opens at 9:00, so ideally you will be ready to engage with booth visitors by start time. If you need to drop off a lot of materials, you can pull up to the barricades on Pacific Ave, just west of Grand View Blvd. to unload. After unloading, you will need to park in the area designated for vendors, at the far end of the Grand View School parking lot. (Map) The parking lot must be approached from the south, so I suggest you study the street map if you are not familiar with the neighborhood. Once you enter the parking lot, be aware that the first section is for Market shoppers. You will need to continue on past the gate and on into the back area, where you will notice primarily trucks parked. Thank you!

Break-down 1:30-1:45: The market closes at 2:00, but we usually start breaking down a little earlier so that the all of our/your materials are cleared out by closing time. There is no electricity.

Hold Harmless: If you have not already done so, please fill out and sign our "Hold Harmless" form and either email it to me or bring it with you.. Hold Harmless form download.