Soil! Soil! Soil!

We can restore the health of the soil, calm our agitated nervous systems, mitigate drought and reverse global warming by putting our plants and foods back into the soil. And if you are a gardener, you can produce magical compost that will make your plants sing with delight. There are many ways to contribute to regeneration of the soil. If you want a hands-on experience, check out and find a soil site near you…or get radical and start one.

MakeSoil matches ‘Soil Makers’ people who compost) with nearby ‘Soil Supporters’ (people who contribute scraps). By doing this at scale, worldwide, we are creating a distributed network for organics recycling. This prevents greenhouse gas emissions, captures carbon, puts nutrients back into the local food system, and at a far lower cost than traditional curbside pick-up programs. On top of that, "making soil" is an incredibly simple yet powerfully humanizing and unifying act, helping to not just repair the Earth's Biosphere, but also to repair the rampant social division facing human civilization today.

Image from Felixx