Help Fix the Plastic Bag Ban! - Sunday 6/30 at the Green Tent

On Sunday, June 30, CALPIRG will be at the Green Tent collecting signatures in support of two bills to fix the state plastic bag ban.

In 2014, we helped pass a law that tried to ban single-use plastic bags in grocery stores to help stop the flow of plastic into our environment. Plastic companies circumvented the law and made the thicker and heavier bags you may now see at checkout lines, claiming that they are "reusable" and "recyclable." The reality is, few people reuse the bags and recycling centers across the state don't accept them, leading to all-time high levels of plastic bag waste piling up in our landfills and polluting our oceans. The good news is that the California legislature is currently considering a new law that would fix the bag ban, and ban all plastic film bags from being provided at grocery stores in California. 

The final bill hearing is coming up quickly! Stop by the Green Tent this Sunday to help ban plastic bags once and for all by signing on in support of a strengthened plastic bag ban.