UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners - Feb. 23

Sunday, February 23, at the Green Tent:

UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners

The UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners are back at The Green Tent from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23, with some greens, herbs and snap peas to share with you for FREE.

Come by with your gardening questions, and pick up a free plant (lovingly grown for you by the Master Gardeners) and some free seeds, while they last.

The Master Gardeners also emphasize the incursion of the ACP (Asian Citrus Psyllid) and the disease it carries, Huanglong Bing, and their destructive impact on our backyard citrus. The disease is here. And there’s no cure. Take a look at the LA Times article that appeared on Tuesday to see how serious and widespread the problem is in our area: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-02-18/citrus-collection-uc-riverside-givaudan

For more information on what you can do visit: http://californiacitrusthreat.org

And: please don’t forget to recycle your nursery 6-packs with the Master Gardeners so they can continue to plant seedlings for you.