Drawdown Workshop - FREE

No Green Tent this Sunday

The Farmers Market will be thriving and supplying you with the freshest, safest produce around.
And right now, fresh fruits and vegetables are more important than ever, as we focus on keeping our immune systems and those of our loved ones in top condition.

Which fruits and veggies have the highest vitamin C content?  
What about some of the other nutrients that are key for fighting off infections?
Click here for more information.


Did you know that fermented foods have been used for centuries to maintain vibrant health and fight disease?
Consider adding some sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, yogurt and other fermented products to your diet for health benefits in good times and bad.

And...save the date for the long-awaited, free 
Introduction to Drawdown

May be virtual...stay tuned for details.  

We CAN Reverse Global Warming !   

Weather patterns are changing and so can you.

This Drawdown Workshop is a 5-session series, which invites you to see both the possibility of reversing global warming and the important role you play in that process.

In this workshop, you have the opportunity to:

·      Connect with people in your community to find inspiration and discover new ways to address global warming and change your daily habits that impact climate change.
      Learn about a comprehensive scientific study from Project Drawdown of 100 solutions that together, could actually begin to reverse global warming by 2030
·      Learn how you can change the conversation about global warming from “game over” to “game on!”
Date:  Saturday, April 25
Time:   2:30-4:430
Location: Virtual class or Mar Vista location
RSVP: Contact: 310-717-4518 or Jeanne@yogasalad.net
Delivered by:  Jeanne Kuntz - Mar Vista Green Tent Manager