I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way...
(The Greatest Love)
Although the reality of global warming can be scary, we have no choice but to address it. How do we inform our youngest citizens without frightening them?
As parents, teachers and caregivers, we insure the health and wellbeing of our children by teaching them simple habits. Look both ways before crossing the street. Wash hands before eating. Eat your broccoli. Now is the time to introduce and reinforce daily practices that protect our planet as well.
Teach About Climate Change
Is Like Teaching About Sex
Give kids the information they need right now. Save the more specific details for a time when they are ready. As we raise their awareness about the steps to reversing global warming, they become curious about all aspects of climate change and will seek more information. There are many books and videos that empower young people of all ages to be part of the solution.
Stop by the Green Tent to learn about current materials and upcoming curriculum for school-age children.
Below is information to get you started right now......and many of these lifestyle approaches will save you money and improve mental, physical and spiritual health.
According to the well-researched Drawdown Project data, if we can shift our habits to reduce food waste and eat lower on the food chain, we will significantly reduce the release of greenhouse gasses, the cause of global warming.
Sustain our fragile planet while you enjoy healthier, less expensive meals.
Eat foods in their original form.
No processing to degrade food value, no packaging to deplete the environment.
No processing to degrade food value, no packaging to deplete the environment.
Grow your own
Food is right outside your door. What could be more convenient? Don't have space for your own garden? Help a friend or neighbor with their crops and share the bounty.
Buy and prepare only what you need.
Learn how experts such as Kitchen Karate help you determine the right quantities of food to purchase and prepare for your meals.
Food is right outside your door. What could be more convenient? Don't have space for your own garden? Help a friend or neighbor with their crops and share the bounty.
Buy and prepare only what you need.
Learn how experts such as Kitchen Karate help you determine the right quantities of food to purchase and prepare for your meals.
Save Water Eat Lower on the Food Chain |
Replace beef with other forms of protein to save water, money and lives. And when you do consume animal protein, look into how it was raised. Choose farmers who use more humane practices at all stages of meat production.
Prepare and eat meals at home. You will burn about 250 calories for each meal you prepare. If you have young children, include them in all phases of the process, from menu planning to cleaning up. You will teach them a valuable skill which is empowering and a money saver.
Mar Vista resident and Green Committee Chair Jeanne Kuntz is a certified wellness coach. Stop by the Green Tent and get a free consultation on habit change. Learn more at her website, Teaching Wellness .
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