Master Gardeners - August 25, 2019


Join us on Sunday, August 25 at the Green Tent for another wonderful day with the UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. They’ll be handing out free plants and free seed packets. Stop by and start your fall planting now. And they’re giving these seedlings away:

Blue Lake Green Beans and Gold Rush yellow beans — these are BUSH beans so you don’t need to trellis them. And you can serve them raw in salad or pickled or lightly steamed as a side dish.

Sunflowers are everyone’s favorite, so come and get one.  Here’s one grown by someone who stopped by and picked up a seedling at the booth months ago: 

But just for a variety, there’ll be some zinnias too!

There’s still time to grow your own pickles (well, cucumbers to be precise!)

And if they get big enough in time, there may be some basil and some cilantro.

Click HERE to learn about composting, grass recycling, water wise gardening, fire wise gardening and more.

And please remember to bring along those empty “six packs” so the MGs can plant up more seedlings for next month’s market. 

Have a Gardening Question? 
Email with a description of your concern or question. Attaching photos will help the Master Gardener diagnose the problem. OR, you can phone in your concern or question by leaving a detailed message at (626) 586-1988.