This Labor Day weekend is a great time to get out into your garden or just plant something in your window, the LA County Master Gardeners will occupy the Green Tent on Sunday, Sep 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with free plants and free seeds to give away— and as always, free advice.
This month they’ve grown the following plants for the MVFM community:
GREEN BEANS two ways:
Pole beans: they need to climb up a trellis (you can make your own)! and Bush beans that need no support because they grow in the form of a bush.
For your salad, toss in some piquant ARUGULA
And to keep summer in mind as we head into fall, you can grab a ZUCCHINI or a KALE seedling.
There’s a nice selection of drought tolerant SUCCULENTS.
Pick up a future pickle in its current form as a CUCUMBER; this one’s also a climber and needs support !
The days ahead will be hot—help your plants and soil with MULCH and DEEP watering, not little ones every day. Alternately, please consider drip irrigation! Great way to save water while getting it to where it needs to go.