On Sunday November 5 don’t forget the clocks fall back! You get an extra hour of sleep and so do the LA County Master Gardeners, who are coming to The Green Tent with free plants (that they’ve grown for you) and free seeds!
From 9 a.m. to 1 pm, stop by and pick up a seedling from these selections:
Kale — everyone loves it in their own way!
Leaf lettuce mix — make your winter salads from these!
Parsley — perfect in soups, pasta, pesto…so many uses
Broccoli raab — Known in Italian as rapini it's a green vegetable that looks like leafy broccoli but is more closely related to the turnip. The entire vegetable is edible and used as a cooking green with a sharp, bitter flavor that can be tamed by blanching. Roasting or sautéing broccoli rabe is most common, though it can be cooked in a variety of ways.