Mission Monarch: Milkweed and Monarchs
Throw a pollinator party in your backyard! This Sunday, July 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Green Tent, the LA County Master Gardeners will help you participate in MISSION MONARCH to plant native milkweed that Monarch Butterflies rely on for their Western migration. Monarch populations have decreased by 90 percent since the 1980s. It’s hard for them to make the journey across vast areas now under development that are destroying their natural habitat and food supply.
20 lucky gardeners will be gifted 5 native narrow leaf milkweed seedlings to grow in your home gardens, to bring in the pollinators and help feed them.
But you’re on a mission. You must be willing to:
1. Take all five milkweed plants
2. Plant them 3 feet apart
3. Follow the watering instructions to get them settled in your garden and to grow out successfully.
4. Provide your email and your zip code for any followup by the Santa Monica Mountains Fund, which sponsors this habitat restoration project
Of course, there’ll also be other free seedlings and seeds to give away, and your garden questions will be answered!
Stop by the Green Tent and support your local monarchs!