Think you can’t do any planting in December? Think again! Here’s an invaluable December guide from Yvonne Savio, retired director of the UC/CE LA County Master Gardener Program. She knows whereof she writes!
Meanwhile, our local Master Gardeners will be bringing you some lovingly grown seedlings and seed packets, to give away FREE at the Green Tent on Sunday, December 4, from 9 am til 1pm. Stop by to get your garden questions answered, too!
Sugar Snap Peas
Plant up delicious sugar snap peas, those crunchy, rounded “peas” that you can eat, pod and all, raw or cooked. They’re so delicious! Remember, you need to offer them support (trellis, string, wall) to grow big and strong.
The Baby Lettuce is still very baby in size, but bring some home, put them in a warm window or a sunny outdoor space till they’re big enough to transplant for a head start on your spring salad greens.
Dark leafy greens are recommended to help prevent cognitive decline, so come and get some Rainbow and Swiss chard, which are long-lasting and easy to prepare, sautéed with some onions and garlic. Don’t waste the stems…chop ‘em up small and cook them similarly for a nice little crunchy texture with the sautéed leaves.
And yes, it’s still cool to love Kale…so pick up a pack at the table.
Plus: there’ll be a variety of Succulents to choose from.
Lastly: Salads always look prettier with edible flowers, and the MGs have grown some colorful nasturtiums for you. You can fill the prolific flowers with goat cheese and honey or balsamic vinegar for a beautiful and unique appetizer. When you’re done using them as food, you can let them become an “insect trap” for the white flies that will soon invade us, seeking moisture in our ever-drying climate!
Nasturtiums stuffed with labneh and lemon roasted vegetables
Please remember to bring your leftover plastic “pony packs” so the MGs can recycle them for next month’s planting. Happy holidays!