Photo Courtesy of Joe Clark
Ballona Creek
Interceptor Pilot Program: Every day new solutions are being offered to help our beloved planet get healthy. Come to the Mar Vista Farmers Market this Sunday, March 13 and visit the Green Tent, where Cung Nguyen from
LA County Department of Public Works
will explain the latest effort by the county of Los
Photo Courtesy of Joe Clark
Angeles to stop the flood of trash from Ballona Creek before it enters the Pacific Ocean.
We also welcome your assistance in securing the safety of local wildlife, so they are protected from getting caught up in the gears of
Photo Courtesy of Joe Clark
Email &/or call LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell and ask that she direct Public Works to:
a) keep a close watch on the trash interceptor to make sure marine life is not caught up in the machine and harmed during
Photo Courtesy of Joe Clark
this pilot project and b) prioritize installing trash screens where storm water enters the creek upstream.