Want to hear a shocking statistic? In the US, nearly 1 in 4 teens who menstruate cannot afford or access the period care products they need. As a result, they miss school and work and suffer from a lack of dignity - all because of a period. To make matters worse, there are no meaningful federal programs to help provide these necessary products to the people who need them. Until now, because we found a loophole.
The federal program SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as Food Stamps) provides food-purchasing assistance for low- and no-income people. We created a (fictional) cereal called Loopholes where the prize inside every box is one cycle’s supply of pads and tampons, so families don't have to choose between buying food or menstrual care products. And because it’s food, the government pays for it with SNAP benefits. That’s right. We found a way to make the government pay for period care products.
While Loopholes is a fake solution to a very real problem, there is actual legislation in the works to do something about this. New York State Representative Grace Meng has introduced a brave new bill called the Menstrual Equity for All Act. The bill seeks to make pads and tampons freely available in public schools, universities, and prisons. In addition to many other reforms, the bill also proposes expanding Medicaid to cover these necessary items.
Visit LoopholesCereal.com to ask your representative to support the Menstrual Equity For All Act and to find other ways to take immediate action. Together, we can make period poverty a thing of the past. Come visit the MV Green Tent this Sunday at the Mar Vista Farmer's Market to learn more!