Master Gardeners, November 7

The UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners are bringing you plants, seeds and some sugar cane to give away FREE at The Green Tent on Sunday, November 7th, from 9 am to 1 pm.

They’ll share knowledge of how to grow your own sugarcane from a cutting. 

They’re also bringing seedlings they’ve been growing for you including: 

A whole mix of lettuces  

Broccoli Raab aka rapini. Wondering about the difference between broccoli, broccolini and broccoli raab? How about THIS for an explainer? Come get one for your garden.

Lovely, crisp, snappy snow peas, just right—cold or hot—for an autumn salad or a stir fry. Grow your own! Here’s a tasty side dish you can make as well: 

Swiss chard and kale are hearty, healthy, super-green favorites in the autumn and winter. Great in stews, soups or sautéed as a side. See how long these amazing plants can last in the ground or a container!

And don’t forget to decorate your holiday plates with the happy-faced and amazingly edible flower, that can also be the base for a healing ointment — Calendula. 

The LA County Master Gardener website offers a wealth of information and additional resources. Click here to view articles on multiple topics related to your backyard garden. 

Happy Gardening!