Audubon Society - August 8, 2021


Sunday, August 8 at the Green Tent:

The Los Angeles Audubon Society

Join us on Sunday, August 8, at the Mar Vista Green Tent for our guest: Los Angeles Audubon Society.

The Los Angeles Audubon Society has taught local school children about the
Ballona Wetlands since 1991. Every year, 2500 students have the opportunity to visit this special place and see the plants and animals that make Ballona their home. As restrictions ease up, they hope to continue their monthly Open Wetlands Days.  

Destruction or Restoration?
Environmentalists don't always agree!  A plan that is favored by the State of California has been put forth that, if implemented, will see tremendous changes at Ballona.  Although the plan is touted as restoration, other members of the environmental community feel it could spell disaster for some of our local wildlife.  Learn more and make up your own mind!

 The Los Angeles Audubon would love to share more information about the future of the wetlands. Stop by the 
Green Tent this Sunday to learn more about programs that inspire our future conservationists and what you can do to keep Ballona thriving!

Coastal wetland ecosystems are one of the top 100 solutions for reversing Global Warming. Relative to their land area, they sequester huge amounts of carbon in plants aboveground and in roots and soils below. Coastal wetlands can store five times as much carbon as tropical forests over the long term, mostly in deep wetland soils!