Master Gardeners July 11 2021


Sunday, July 11 at the Mar Vista Farmers Market

Master Gardeners


And — THEY’RE BACK!!! The UC/CE LA COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS are returning to the Mar Vista Farmers Market!! They’ll be there from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on SUNDAY, JULY 11.

Beginning next month, AUGUST 1st, they will be a regular guest at The Green Tent on the FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH !!!
Tomato Seedlings

As usual, they’ll have seeds (VERY LIMITED, only one packet per family) and SEEDLINGS to give away FREE!  This month they’re heavy on herbs (basil, spearmint, oregano) but there are some bell peppers and tomatoes and a couple of mystery plants they couldn’t identify. 

And they’re available to answer your garden questions! MGs offer help even when they’re not at the market; email with a description of your concern or question. Attaching photos will help the Master Gardener diagnose the problem. OR, you can phone in your concern or question by leaving a detailed message at (626) 586-1988.

Sweet Basil

And for VERY helpful LA County gardening tips and articles, visit the website and look at the menu on left side of the page: