This Sunday, January 20 at the Mar Vista Farmer's Market Green Tent
Come for the information...
stay for the community bike ride!
When the market closes, the day isn't over yet, because the Bike Share Program and the Mar Vista Community Council are hosting a group ride which begins at 2:30 PM on Sunday, January 19. Meet at the Venice & Inglewood bike station located down the street from the farmer's market. Group rides are free! However, riders should arrive prepared for the Metro Bikes' usage fee (here's a link to the Metro Bike pricing chart). The ride will take you around Mar Vista and onto part of the Ballona Creek bike path. Totaling to about 5 miles of a relatively flat round trip, the ride ends up where you started at the Venice & Inglewood station at around 4 PM.
This Sunday will feature tabling at The Green Tent Metro Bike Share from 9am to 2pm followed by a special community bike ride through sections of Del Rey down to the Ballona Creek Bike path and then back to Mar Vista. The route will use two different routes between Mar Vista and the Ballona Bike Path.
BIKE RIDE :meet up/departure is 2:30 PM from
Venice and Inglewood by the Metro Bike Share station.
You can rent a bike share bike for the event or ride your own bike. The route is approximately 5 miles and nearly all flat. Those attending may get their very own MVCC Hi Visibility Safety Vest and Safe Cycling booklet!. Supplies are limited. Here's a link to the Metro Bike Share event page for a few more details!
Stop by the Green Tent this Sunday, because Metro Bike Share will be here to answer your questions about the Metro Bike
Share program! The bike program is one of LA Metro's multiple available transportation systems, with rentable bike stations located all over Los Angeles. You can unlock them with your TAP card and ride!
When the market closes, the day isn't over yet, because the Bike Share Program and the Mar Vista Community Council are hosting a group ride which begins at 2:30 PM on Sunday, January 19. Meet at the Venice & Inglewood bike station located down the street from the farmer's market. Group rides are free! However, riders should arrive prepared for the Metro Bikes' usage fee (here's a link to the Metro Bike pricing chart). The ride will take you around Mar Vista and onto part of the Ballona Creek bike path. Totaling to about 5 miles of a relatively flat round trip, the ride ends up where you started at the Venice & Inglewood station at around 4 PM.
Visit the Metro Bike Share website (link) for more information such as pricing, a map of Metro Bike stations, and riding tips!