Master Gardeners - Sunday, Dec. 22

Sunday, December 22 at the Mar Vista Farmers Market

Master Gardeners

’Tis the Sunday before Christmas, and all through the house,
Master Gardeners are bringing….
free seeds and plants for you and your garden! 

Join the UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners (link) on Sunday, Dec. 22 from 9 am to 1 pm as they occupy the Green Tent. They’ve lovingly planted greens and peas this month for you to take home and nurture on your own.

There’s lots of mixed lettuce (yes, Virginia, you can eat salad in the winter!), arugula seedlings that are just popping their little heads up, and some yummy (everyone’s favorite) sugar snap peas. (Here are some, dressed in Christmas colors!)

Come by with gardening questions and don’t forget to share those leftover seedling six packs so they can recycle and reuse them for next month’s Master Gardener booth. 

Important alert: The disease known as citrus greening is HERE and it’s being spread backyard to backyard. If you have citrus trees, please educate yourself about the Asian Citrus Psyllid, the insect that carries the Huanglongbing virus which is destroying citrus crops nationwide. As a backyard gardener you can be proactive in preventing its spread. 

Please visit this page for detailed information on what you can do:
And here’s a quick tip marker: