The Master Gardeners - Sept 1st 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

Master Gardener Julie Strnad shows you what’s coming to the Mar Vista Farmers Market.

Start your new month right! The LA County Master Gardeners will be at the Green Tent on the first Sunday, which is September 1, from 9 am to 1 pm. Pick up a free plant and some free seeds to help get a head start on your autumn veggie garden. 

They’ll have spreckles leaf lettuce along with red/green mixed leaf lettuce. All are “cut and come again” — as you harvest the tops, more grow!

There are also the fall favorites, baby chard and baby kale.

Arugula because you’ll still be making salad.

Microgreens, also are cut and come again; though small, they pack a mighty nutritional punch!

And it’s time to bring out the brassicas:  Brussels Sprouts (baby cabbages!) and Cauliflower.

As ever, there’ll be succulents for the drought-minded.

And last but not least: Why not grow your own green beans for that Thanksgiving casserole?

They’re bringing pole beans, already started for you; you bring the trellis.

Don’t forget to recycle your six packs so next month, they’ll be able to grow more plants for you.

Food Forward - August 25th at the Mar Vista Green Tent

Food Forward® fights hunger and prevents food waste by rescuing fresh surplus produce, connecting this abundance with people experiencing food insecurity, and inspiring others to do the same. Food Forward was founded in 2009 and this year marks the organization’s 15th anniversary. That’s 15 years of Building Generational Health, growing to become the largest independent produce reclamation and urban gleaning organization in the nation devoted exclusively to bringing healthy fresh produce to communities experiencing food and nutrition insecurity.

Food Forward® has three award-winning food recovery programs, two of which are volunteer-powered! 100% of the produce we recover is donated directly to our partner hunger relief organizations, free of charge. All produce donors receive a receipt for their in-kind donations.

Backyard Harvest: Volunteers harvest surplus fruit from trees that would otherwise go to waste. We harvest trees across Los Angeles, Ventura, and small sections of Santa Barbara counties. Sign up to volunteer!

Farmers Market Recovery: Volunteers "glean"—meaning Food Forward collects surplus fruit and vegetables—from 16 farmers markets across Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Market vendors can choose to donate any produce at the peak of its freshness that may not make it to the next market they attend. Fun fact: Food Forward® has gleaned the Mar Vista Farmers Market since 2013. In 2023 alone, our volunteers recovered over 34,000 pounds of produce from this market that would have otherwise gone to waste! 

Sign up to volunteer! You can glean the Mar Vista Farmers Market with Food Forward® on Sundays from 1:30-3:30 p.m. or volunteer at another market.

Wholesale Recovery: The Wholesale Produce Recovery refrigerated warehouse located in Bell, California is the hub for tens of thousands of pounds of daily surplus produce donations from the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market in Los Angeles, its surrounding district, and from growers and shippers across the region and the country. Food Forward’s Wholesale Recovery Program provides a sustainable solution to avoid the loss of perfectly edible produce being thrown away, often due to not meeting cosmetic standards or changes in demand. Instead, this nutritious surplus is redirected to hundreds of hunger relief organizations across Southern California and the surrounding region, ranging from regional food banks to community-based service centers for people experiencing food insecurity.

A volunteer gleans the Mar Vista Farmers Market in October 2023
Photo credit: Eron Rauch

A volunteer harvests lemons
Photo credit: Jeffery Dawson

A vendor at the Mar Vista Farmers Market donates surplus produce to Food Forward in October 2023
Photo credit: Eron Rauch

In addition to volunteering, there are other ways to join our work: 

Athens Services at the Mar Vista Green Tent! - Sunday August 11th

Every year, US restaurants and food service businesses use nearly 1 trillion individual pieces of disposable foodware and packaging. These items are used for only a short time, and when made from plastic pose risks to human health and have a long-lasting impact on the environment.


As of January 2022, California Assembly Bill 1276 requires all retail food facilities* and food delivery platforms to provide single-use foodware accessories and condiments to consumers only upon request in an effort to reduce waste. Single-use foodware accessories include, but are not limited to, utensils (such as forks, knives, spoons, and sporks), chopsticks, condiment cups and packets, straws, stirrers, splash sticks, and cocktail sticks.

*Does not apply to correctional institutions; licensed health-care facilities; residential-care facilities; and public and private school cafeterias. 


LA Sanitation and Environment’s Comprehensive Plastics Reduction Program aims to cut down on non-recyclable and single-use plastics in Los Angeles, shifting focus from waste disposal to waste prevention.

Single-Use Carryout Bag Ban

  • Prohibits single-use carryout bags and imposes a $0.10 fee per recyclable paper bag at retail establishments, which include, but are not limited to, grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, drug stores, pharmacies, apparel stores, farmer’s market vendors, food or beverage facilities, hardware stores, open air markets vendors, etc.

  • Acceptable alternatives include reusable bags, either for sale or at no charge, or recyclable paper single-use carryout bags charged at $0.10 per bag. Customers may also use their own bags.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Ban

  • Prohibits all businesses, retail establishments, and food or beverage facilities from distributing, offering, providing, renting, or selling to any person any EPS product, commonly known as the trade name StyrofoamTM, any food or beverage in any EPS product, or any shipping or packing material that contains EPS.

  • Acceptable alternatives include cardboard, 100% fiber-based compostable foodware products, recyclable #1, #2, and #5 plastics, metal, glass, and reusable products. 

Foodware Accessories and Plastic Straws-on-Request Ordinance

  • The City of Los Angeles also has a local ordinance that requires all food and beverage facilities to provide disposable foodware accessories, such as utensils, napkins, and condiment packets to a dine-in or take-out customer ONLY if the customer requests them. 

Learn more about the ordinances at


Reusables are always recommended in lieu of single use plastic. Some options to reduce plastic waste are packing a pair of to-go utensils for on-the-go meals, bringing reusable containers with you or keeping extras in the car, and getting a drink from your favorite coffee shop in your personal reusable cup. Small changes can make a big impact! 

Also consider using 100% plant-fiber based foodware* like wood, bamboo, or molded fiber, which are accepted in the organics container.

* Must be 100% fiber-based. NO materials with bio-plastic, wax, or petroleum-based plastic coating, liner, or laminate.

The Master Gardeners - August 4th 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

This Sunday, August 4, join the LA County Master Gardeners under the Green Tent, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  They’ll be giving out plants and seeds FREE to you. Summer’s a productive season!

MG Julie shares this video of what they’ve grown for the market; they’ll be supplementing these with some more, TBA.

Microgreens are super healthy, easy to grow, they’re called “cut and come again” because when you snip the tops they grow back.

Baby kale and baby chard — not just because they’re seedlings! These have smaller leaves and are also healthy for you.

Zinnias: Who doesn’t love these showy flowers?

And for the kids: baby pumpkins (called Jack-Be-Little) so small they’ll fit the palm of your hand. 95 days to harvest. 

Succulents, in various shapes and sizes

Pole Beans (green beans) You’ll need to support these with some kind of structure like a trellis

Don’t forget you can recycle your six packs with the MGs and they’ll use ‘em to grow more plants for next month’s Green Tent.

Save the Pollinators with Xerces Society - July 28 at the Green Tent

Did you know that one out of every four species of bumble bee is at risk of extinction? Or that Monarch butterflies in California have declined by over 90% since the 1980s?

The good news is that you can help bring back the pollinators! Visit the Green Tent on July 28, 2024, 9am–2pm, to learn simple steps you can take to conserve pollinators and their habitats.

Meet a volunteer ambassador for the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. The Xerces Society is a science-based international nonprofit that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats.

Swing by to see insect specimens, pick up a free brochure, plant list, or bookmark, and learn how to:

  • Create habitat for our gentle native bees in your garden 🐝

  • Select the best plants for native pollinators 🍃

  • Tell the difference between a fly, a wasp, and a bee 🪰

  • Help the monarch butterfly with native milkweed 🦋

For kids, there will be butterfly hand stamps and face masks to color. Nature loves ages 8–11 can take home an invertebrate-themed activity booklet in English or Spanish.


The Master Gardeners - July 7th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

In this video, MG Julie Strnad shows you what the UC Master Gardeners of LA County will be giving away FREE on Sunday, July 7 at the Green Tent from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. while supplies last! You can also pick up two free packets of seeds. 

This month they’re bringing (and GREW for you!):

Container Zucchini— they’re smaller and easier to maintain .


Arugula to spice up your salad greens
Japanese cucumbers, long and lean!

Microgreens, aka cut and come again
Succulents, a perennial SoCal favorite
Basil for that summer tomato salad or pizza
Green beans because Green beans!
Lemon basil
Baby Spaghetti squash
, great substitute for pasta

Baby Spaghetti squash

Don’t forget to bring your empty six packs so they can grow more for you next month. And for tips on what to do in July, check this out.

Help Fix the Plastic Bag Ban! - Sunday 6/30 at the Green Tent

On Sunday, June 30, CALPIRG will be at the Green Tent collecting signatures in support of two bills to fix the state plastic bag ban.

In 2014, we helped pass a law that tried to ban single-use plastic bags in grocery stores to help stop the flow of plastic into our environment. Plastic companies circumvented the law and made the thicker and heavier bags you may now see at checkout lines, claiming that they are "reusable" and "recyclable." The reality is, few people reuse the bags and recycling centers across the state don't accept them, leading to all-time high levels of plastic bag waste piling up in our landfills and polluting our oceans. The good news is that the California legislature is currently considering a new law that would fix the bag ban, and ban all plastic film bags from being provided at grocery stores in California. 

The final bill hearing is coming up quickly! Stop by the Green Tent this Sunday to help ban plastic bags once and for all by signing on in support of a strengthened plastic bag ban.

The Master Gardeners - June 2nd, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

On Sunday, June 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at THE GREEN TENT we welcome the Master Gardeners of LA County, who will be handing out FREE seedlings, FREE seeds and FREE gardening advice.

This month they’re bringing:

A selection of Succulents for your low-water garden

Zucchini squash that produces prolifically, and goes on or in everything from pizza to lasagna, to side dishes, to grills, roasts and sautées…even bread/cake!

Mint  — Keep it in a container or it’ll take over your garden!

Basil  —  delicious in anything with tomatoes including pizza and tomato sauce — or create an easy appetizer for your summer party:  Caprese on skewers!

Pole beans — the kind of green beans you need to support on a trellis or something similar

A selection of flowers including: 



Calendula —  edible flower, often called "poor man's saffron"

Microgreens — cut 'em back and watch 'em grow more!

Eggplant — perfect for grilling at your summertime barbecue

Don’t forget to bring your “six packs” to be recycled for next month’s seedling giveaway.  And here are some garden tips for the month of June in LA County! 

The Master Gardeners - May 5th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

This Sunday, Cinco de Mayo, from 9 am to 1 pm, join the UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners at the Green Tent and get ready for summer harvests of the following free seedlings grown just for this market (don’t forget to pick up some free seeds, too!): 

Italian Basil — perfect for your Pizza Margherita when paired with tomatoes

Strawberries Just drizzle some balsamic vinegar over them 

Pole Beans You need to support these green beans with a trellis, a cage or string and sticks

Marigolds These will help ward off the nematodes from your tomatoes

Lettuce Salad!

Sunflowers Beauty!!

Cucumbers DIY Pickles! 

Zinnias  More beauty!

Succulents Drought tolerant 

Bring your leftover “six packs” to the MG booth so they can reuse them for next month’s planting.

Mar Vista Arbor Group - Sunday 5/28 at the Green Tent

Caring for street trees on Cabrillo April 2021

The city and county of los angeles may have free trees for you!


Visit Mar Vista Arbor Group for more information.

What Can Trees Do for Me

    - Save water

    - Combat the greenhouse effect

    - Clean the air

    - Provide oxygen

    - Cool the streets and the city

    - Conserve energy

    - Provide homes for local wildlife

One year of growth May 2022

Be WaterWise Rebate program

Learn about ways to get a ittle cash for your new trees:

The Master Gardeners - April 7th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

This month the LA County Master Gardeners will occupy the Green Tent with their own version of “Tomatomania” on Sunday, April 7, from 9 am to 1 pm. 

There are dwarf tomatoes that grow well in the ground and excellently in containers. Many people claim that Sweet 100s are their favorite cherry tomatoes.

It doesn’t happen often but they are also bringing eggplant seedlings.

And--sweet red peppers!

Marigolds, both yellow and orange will help repel the root nematodes from the tomatoes!  

Succulents of course for the drought tolerant-minded (even though we’ve had quite the rainy season)!

If you’ve been to a plant nursery lately and you brought home those little “pony packs,” don’t discard them — recycle them with the MGs and they fill them up with veggies, flowers, herbs and more for future Green Tent appearances.

And if you’re wondering what to do in your garden in April, we have the answers for you

Athens Services at the Mar Vista Green Tent! - Sunday March 24th


Bulky item collection refers to the pick up of oversized items that cannot be placed in a standard waste container due to size or weight. Athens provides bulky item collection for a fee to commercial businesses. Bulky items from multifamily residential customers are collected for free by the City of Los Angeles.

Schedule a bulky item collection by calling the LASAN Customer Care Center at (800) 773-2489 or visit and click on “Create Service Request.”

Acceptable Bulky Items

(includes, but not limited to) 
Appliances (e.g. refrigerators and dryers), furniture, large broken toys, mattresses, rugs, tree trunks, and water heaters

NOT Acceptable Bulky Items

(includes, but not limited to)
Automobile parts, batteries, bulbs, construction & demolition waste (e.g. concrete, dirt, drywall, rock, and tile), hazardous waste, liquid waste, medical products, tires, and loose or scattered lumber & green waste

Food Forward - March 10th at the Mar Vista Green Tent

Food Forward® fights hunger and prevents food waste by rescuing fresh surplus produce, connecting this abundance with people experiencing food insecurity, and inspiring others to do the same. Food Forward was founded in 2009 and this year marks the organization’s 15th anniversary. That’s 15 years of Building Generational Health, growing to become the largest independent produce reclamation and urban gleaning organization in the nation devoted exclusively to bringing healthy fresh produce to communities experiencing food and nutrition insecurity.

Food Forward® has three award-winning food recovery programs, two of which are volunteer-powered! 100% of the produce we recover is donated directly to our partner hunger relief organizations, free of charge. All produce donors receive a receipt for their in-kind donations.

Backyard Harvest: Volunteers harvest surplus fruit from trees that would otherwise go to waste. We harvest trees across Los Angeles, Ventura, and small sections of Santa Barbara counties. Sign up to volunteer!

Farmers Market Recovery: Volunteers "glean"—meaning Food Forward collects surplus fruit and vegetables—from 16 farmers markets across Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Market vendors can choose to donate any produce at the peak of its freshness that may not make it to the next market they attend. Fun fact: Food Forward® has gleaned the Mar Vista Farmers Market since 2013. In 2023 alone, our volunteers recovered over 34,000 pounds of produce from this market that would have otherwise gone to waste! 

Sign up to volunteer! You can glean the Mar Vista Farmers Market with Food Forward® on Sundays from 1:30-3:30 p.m. or volunteer at another market.

Wholesale Recovery: The Wholesale Produce Recovery refrigerated warehouse located in Bell, California is the hub for tens of thousands of pounds of daily surplus produce donations from the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market in Los Angeles, its surrounding district, and from growers and shippers across the region and the country. Food Forward’s Wholesale Recovery Program provides a sustainable solution to avoid the loss of perfectly edible produce being thrown away, often due to not meeting cosmetic standards or changes in demand. Instead, this nutritious surplus is redirected to hundreds of hunger relief organizations across Southern California and the surrounding region, ranging from regional food banks to community-based service centers for people experiencing food insecurity.

A volunteer gleans the Mar Vista Farmers Market in October 2023
Photo credit: Eron Rauch

A volunteer harvests lemons
Photo credit: Jeffery Dawson

A vendor at the Mar Vista Farmers Market donates surplus produce to Food Forward in October 2023
Photo credit: Eron Rauch

In addition to volunteering, there are other ways to join our work: 

The Master Gardeners - March 3rd, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

From Gilbert and Sullivan’s THE MIKADO

The flowers that bloom in the spring
Tra la
Breathe promise of merry sunshine —
As we merrily dance and we singTra la
We welcome the hope that they bring
Tra la
Of a summer of roses and wine
Of a summer of roses and wine
And that's what we mean when we say that a thing
Is welcome as flowers that bloom in the spring
Tra la la la la
Tra la la la la
The flowers that bloom in the spring

True to the lyrics, this month at the GREEN TENT (Sunday, March 3 from 9 am to 1 pm) the UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners  are bringing you a selection of blooms grow alongside your veggies! 

Enjoy some perky BACHELOR BUTTONS, also known as cornflowers — after blooming beautifully, they also dry beautifully for use in future flower arrangements! 

And CALENDULA! They’re in the marigold/daisy family, they have terrific healing properties for the skin and is said to also have anti-inflammatory benefits. 

Both pretty AND useful, Nasturtiums are also EDIBLE!! They both attract both beneficial insects that help your garden as well as the nastier ones, keeping them off your other garden plants! 

Of course they’re also bringing everyone’s favorites, SNAP PEAS, as well as SPINACH, SWISS CHARD and SUCCULENTS!

If you’re busy planting your Spring Garden, stop by for some tips, free plants and free seeds and don’t forget to drop off your empty six-packs for the MGs to recycle and grow more plants for you to give away next month.

Athens Services at the Mar Vista Green Tent! - Sunday January 14th

Keeping Your Organics Container Free of Contamination

Recycling organics waste is a big deal—especially when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and lessening the impacts of climate change. When organics materials decompose in the landfill, they create the third largest source of methane emissions. Here are easy tips to help keep your organics container free of contamination.

SORT PROPERLY – Knowing the basics of what is and is not acceptable in your organics container will help streamline how you manage your household waste stream. Spoiled and leftover food, moldy cheese, chicken bones, dead flowers, as well as food-soiled paper (100% fiber-based) are just some examples of perfectly acceptable organics waste.

AVOID COMMON CONTAMINANTS – Twist ties, bread clips, rubber bands, and produce stickers are among the most common organics contaminants. These items are made from plastic and need to be removed prior to disposing your food scraps. In addition, most tea bags and gum contain some degree of plastic and are considered contaminants.

●  WATCH THE LABELS – Spot greenwashing. Under California law, manufacturers cannot label any bioplastic product as “biodegradable”, “oxo-degradable”, “environmentally friendly”, “beneficial to landfill”, and any other forms of these terms to prevent consumers from misleading and untrue environmental marketing claims. Bioplastics, a foodware item that looks like plastic, but is made from plants or other natural materials, are not acceptable for composting by Athens. This is due to the required time it takes to process them in full and compost facility certifications that do not allow inorganic material in our compost. Dispose of these items in the trash container.

●  KEEP CONTENTS LOOSE – When it comes to disposing of organics waste into your outdoor green container, it is preferred to keep all contents loose. This helps team members at Athens’ composting facility easily identify and sort through potential contaminants. If you prefer to line your food scraps container, consider using a paper or loosely-tied clear/translucent plastic bag.

To learn more about what items you can include in your organics container and what you should avoid, visit

The Master Gardeners - January 7th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

Hope your Christmas is merry and untroubled.

Start your new year with new plants and seeds at the Green Tent on Sunday, January 7 with the LA County Master Gardeners from 9 am til 1 pm.

Here’s what they’ve grown for us:

Mixed baby lettuces, multiple varieties

Arugula for your salads

Sugar Snap Peas, but these are a little unusual as they have pink flowers!


Sweet peas — the flowers with the powerful scent, these are NOT edible but very pretty 

And succulents — for the water-conscious among us

Violas — such pretty little flowers and you can eat them too

Nigella—whose seeds are also edible (also known as Black Cumin)

It’s a good time to start your Spring seedlings! What to do in January

Do you want to become an LA County Master Gardener volunteer? You still have time to apply

Please bring your excess six packs so the MGs can continue to bring you plants at the Green Tent, the first Sunday of every month. 

The Farmlink Project - November 10th at the Mar Vista Green Tent

This Sunday join us at the Mar Vista Green Tent to learn about The Farmlink Project. This grassroots non-profit organization was started during the pandemic by a group of college students with the goal of combatting food waste and food insecurity. They hope to eventually put themselves out of business!

Farmlink believes they can bring an end to hunger alongside massive food waste in our lifetime. They connect farms that have surplus produce with communities experiencing food insecurity. They are on a mission to feed people in need, rebuild food systems, reduce carbon emissions, and empower the next generation of young changemakers.

In April of 2020, after securing 13,000 eggs from one farmer, Farmlink founders rented a U-Haul Truck and drove this load to an LA Foodbank. With this successful delivery, they realized a nationwide network could be created to connect farms with communities and food banks.

At the Farmlink project, they believe that Food Access is an inalienable human right. For now, Farmlink is acting as the “link” connecting the broken supply chains in the agricultural and food access industries. "Our long-term goal is to set up infrastructure which will render our work obsolete."

In the United States, farms are throwing out 20 billion pounds of food, and simultaneously have 40 million food insecure Americans.

Since 2020, Farmlink has:

~ Rescued $100,000,000+ total pounds by January 2023

~ Made $83,000,000 meals possible by January 2023

~ Driven $5,400,000 economic relief to farmers and truckers 

~ Moved 580,000 lbs of food in 2021 in response to disaster relief

~ Prevented 153,825 tonnes of CO2e since 2020 (that's the same as 182,042 acres worth of carbon sequestered by US forestland)

Celebrating a year of food recovery

Zero Food Waste - November 26th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Everyone eats.

With a little mindfulness, we can reduce waste, save money and live in harmony with the earth and its resources.  


Zero Food Waste begins with shopping and ends with composting.

#1  Buy food that you love to eat!
Buy food that is easy for you to prepare.
Buy the quantity of food that you need.
Eat easily perishable foods first.

#2 Turn Leftovers into FOOD not Food Waste:
Freeze or Refrigerate food that you don’t eat during your meal.
Throw leftovers into a soup, salad, omelet or sandwich later in the week.
Pass on what you can’t eat to a friend, neighbor or co-worker…  

Athens Services at the Mar Vista Green Tent! - Sunday November 12th

Never dispose of compressed air tanks (such as propane, helium, or oxygen) in any waste container. 

Cylinders/tanks, including but not limited to, helium, propane, oxygen, and fire extinguishers, are pressurized and need special handling to protect waste workers. Even if the tank seems empty, it still poses a safety risk.

Although made of metal, cylinders and tanks are not accepted in the blue recycling containers and require special disposal.

Sustainability Tips: Consider a refillable option for your next propane tank. Reusables can last up to ten years, be refilled hundreds of times, and help you save money. For more information and to find a refillable propane tank retailer, Amerigas is another option that provides propane refills and disposable tank exchanges. Visit for the nearest location.

Residential Drop Off: Dispose of compressed cylinders/tanks under five gallonsat a S.A.F.E. Collection Center. Visit more information. 

The Master Gardeners - November 5th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

On Sunday November 5 don’t forget the clocks fall back! You get an extra hour of sleep and so do the LA County Master Gardeners, who are coming to The Green Tent with free plants (that they’ve grown for you) and free seeds!

From 9 a.m. to 1 pm, stop by and pick up a seedling from these selections:

Kale — everyone loves it in their own way!

Sugar snap peas — if you don’t eat them straight off the vine,  try some of these creative recipes

And succulents — for the water-conscious among us

And if you’re wondering what to do in the garden this month, learn from these comprehensive tips.

Leaf lettuce mix — make your winter salads from these!

Parsley — perfect in soups, pasta, pesto…so many uses

Broccoli raab — Known in Italian as rapini it's a green vegetable that looks like leafy broccoli but is more closely related to the turnip. The entire vegetable is edible and used as a cooking green with a sharp, bitter flavor that can be tamed by blanching. Roasting or sautéing broccoli rabe is most common, though it can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Sunflowers — who doesn’t love ‘em?